Before I go into detailing this package …. first of all why on earth would you use a Marketing Consultant (in addition to a Web Developer) to update your website? Isn’t this just an additional cost?

By working with a web developer directly the job can look – at the outset – simpler to manage, quicker and cheaper. In my experience web developers range in terms of their market expertise. Most have no formal marketing training, are purely technical experts in how to put your content on the web. Of course they will have built up some experience from working on other sites, but will they go that extra mile to help you say what you want to say?

At times clients don’t understand that if they use a platform a web developer suggests, they need to pay them every time they want to make changes to a site. Or they don’t realise they need to pay extra to have the site appear properly on mobiles. Or they enter unwittingly into lockdowns to that particular developer.

These days you don’t need to pay extra for mobile friendly sites. Either you or a future developer should be able to make changes to your site.

I’ve heard it time and time again from clients about fraught relations with developers. To be completely honest, I see a lot of the time that clients are not clear on what they want to say about their business and what they want from the developer. Their thinking evolves overtime. They can sometimes leave too much responsibility to the web developer or designer to create the content that will attract their punters, write the actual messages that draw in their prospects online. Depending on what’s been agreed, the web developer may be expecting finished content for price quoted. And so the friction begins.

There’s no point in getting to a finished website quickly if it’s not right for your business. I am not about getting the job done quickly for the sake of getting a box ticked. I am focused and passionate about getting it done properly and on getting results for my clients. When I work with clients on websites, I commit to the work below. (Ask yourself how many developers offer this service and how crucial this work might be to the end result?)

–  I spend time really getting under the skin of your business, understanding your market, your competitors, your customers.

– I highlight options and motivate you to make difficult choices. Instead of letting you have a website that says you are all things to all men, serve all customers with all services, I challenge you to have a market position. Your content needs to be meaningful to the audience you actually want to convert.

–  I work with you to shine a light on your strengths, knowhow in light of your competitive set so we can figure out how to best strategically position your business in the market in order to stand our from the crowd.

– I take the time to help you understand how Google searches work, what is SEO and how important keywords are.

– I have specific skills and 18 years of experience in designing messages that engage a target market. I can help you ’sell you better’.

– I have proven know-how in how to promote your website to your specific target market.

Package 3: Updating Your Website

So you have a website, and it’s gone a little stale? The content is a little bland. Is your website making your phone ring or generating leads for your business?

This package is more for a business who does not want to engage a developer to create a new website, a business that’s happy with look of the site but not about the content. It’s not about writing new content word-for-word but more about giving you a learned experience that you can use over and over. I will show you what messages will start to engage prospects better so that they pick up the phone or email you in improved numbers.

This package involves;

  • Situation analysis – And quick understanding of your background, experience, what you are good at and your current target customers.
  • An insight into your market specifically ; it’s customer segments, your current customer targets, closest competitors
  • Assessment of the market and recommendations of the messages that work best in driving sales enquiries.
  • Quick lesson on SEO, getting your website to rank higher on Google and Google’s free tools.
  • Critiquing your website to assess whether;
    • Your website is talking to your potential customers about things they care about and in a way that will make them pick up the phone or drop an email.
    • Your website explains what you do in a way that your prospects will identify with? Specific recommendations for how to do this for your business.
    • Assessment of your website layout and recommendations for improvement.
    • Could new content be added to improve engagement/SEO ranking? Recommendations relating to same.
    • Specific guidance w/r to how to write your ‘about us’ page.
    • Advice on specific actions you require,  landing pages and getting results.